Handi-Klasp Horse & Livestock Equipment by Weldy Enterprises has stood for professionalism for over 50 years. We are devoted to constructing the world’s finest stalls and barns. We are known as the specialist in horse equipment. Our products are durable and are designed and built for the long term needs and uses of our customers. It shows all the horse equipment manufactured by Handi-Klasp and as well as the other agricultural and livestock equipment we manufacture under our Weldy name.
Watch three short video slideshows about Handi-klasp Barns and Stalls:
In addition to the products we manufacture for horses, we also sell the best in horse-related equipment from other manufacturers, such as Mirico “EQUIFount” waterers, Millcreek manure spreaders, the Hayslide and Loktuff horse mats, as well as cupolas and weathervanes that round out a horse-lovers equipment needs.
Handi-Klasp Horse & Livestock Equipment is part of Weldy Enterprises…an innovative company committed to providing quality products and services to our present and future customers as manufacturer and distributor, wholesaler, and retailer.